103學年度 期刊論文
學年度 |
教師 姓名 |
論文名稱 |
作者 順序 |
刊物名稱 |
103 |
嚴嘉琪 |
英語非母語之英語教師跨文化之旅:焦慮因素分析 |
第一作者 |
高應科大人文社會科學學報 |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
An exploration of the effects of college English teacher misbehaviors on students’ willingness to communicative in English classes |
第一作者 |
American Journal of Education Research |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
English teachers’ misbehaviors in relation to students’ classroom participation |
第一作者 |
Proceedings of 2014 Humanities and Creativity Practical Applied Academic Conference, Hsiuping University of science and Technology 85-94 |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
Explorations in teachers’ misbehaviors and students’ willingness to communicate |
第一作者 |
Selected Papers from the 23rd International Symposium on English Teaching. 242-252 |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
How does the E-learning Web-based Platform Influence Students’ Learning Satisfaction in English Classes? |
第一作者 |
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Taoyuan Taiwan. 52-61 |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
The Relationship between Teachers’ Misbehaviors and Student’s willingness to Learn in the English class |
第一作者 |
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Innovative Language Teaching and Active Learning |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
The relationship between English teacher misbehaviors in the classroom and students’ perception of teacher credibility |
第一作者 |
International Journal of English Education |
103 |
徐琍沂 |
The relationship between Taiwanese English teacher misbehaviors and college student motivation in English classes |
第一作者 |
Journal of Applied of English Language Education |
103 |
曾琦芬 |
Performers differences between verbally talented preschoolers and their regular counterparts in storytelling |
第二作者 |
Gifted Education International |
103 |
曾琦芬 |
Comparison of the cognitive profiles and social adjustment between mathematically and scientifically talented students and students with Asperger’s syndrome |
第三作者 |
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders |
103 |
李右芷 |
Benefits of English Theatrical Performance:Evidence from EFL Public Speech Learners |
第一作者 |
Journal of Applied Languages |
103 |
李右芷 |
Implementing Applied Theatre Practice to Reduce EFL Public Speaking Anxietv A Controlled Trial |
第一作者 |
Hwa Kang English Journal |
103 |
林勤敏 |
A comparison of different vocabulary learning strategy use between EFL and CSL learners |
第一作者 |
103 |
陳麗清 |
The Use Questions by Chinese-Speaking Lectures(從問句的使用來探討華語教師在大學全英語授課的課堂互動) |
第一作者 |
應用語文學報 |
103 |
陳麗清 |
A comparison of different vocabulary learning strategy use between EFL and CSL learners |
第三作者 |
103 |
陳麗清 |
An Analysis of Academic Japanese Discourse-The Discoursal Strategies Used in Questions-and-Answer Session after oral presentation |
第三作者 |
Modern Linguistics現代語言學 |